Industry (LINAC)
Detect and protect
In non-destructive material testing and the inspection of industrial goods such as containers as well as in the sterilization of goods, linear particle accelerators (LINAC) are used to generate high-energy X-rays. Electrons are accelerated to very high speed using microwave energy.
Our components come into play when transmitting the microwave power into the LINAC.
Our products meet the essential requirements of the LINAC industry by offering precision and reliability at the highest level and ensuring maximum performance in a compact design. They promote the low-loss transmission of microwave energy and protect the microwave generator from damaging reflections.
What’s more, our Fast Ferrite Tuners (FFT) also enable fast energy switching while maintaining stable tube operation.
We provide a comprehensive generic product portfolio for S-Band (2.856 and 2.998 GHz) and X-Band (9.3 GHz) LINACs. We also offer tailor-made, optimized solutions. All of our offers are characterized by the following features:
- Reliable protection and stable operation of the RF tube
- Extended RF tube life
- High efficiency
- Continuous, trouble-free operation
- High system availability
- Long system lifetime
- Low operating and low maintenance costs