In assemblies and subsystems, we allow components to work together optimally and adapt them individually to customer needs. This offers essential additional services and advantages for our customers:
- Most compact arrangements
- All passive components from a single source
- All individual components matched and fully tested
- Complete assembly
- Optimally tuned subsystem (e.g. isolation)
- Integral tests: electrical test and helium gas leak test
- Easy assembly with reduced number of interfaces
With us from a single source. Standard components, customer-specific assemblies and subsystems for microwave-operated LINACs in the S-band and X-band.
The key functions:
- Circulator and load: Protect and stabilize RF and microwave tubes through high insulation
- Couplers with high directivity deliver the control signals
- AFC circuit and phase tuner help to tune the frequency of the transmitting tube to the resonant frequency of the LINAC cavity and provide stable output power of the tube
This results in the following advantages for you:
- The lifetime of the transmitter tube improves significantly
- Continuous and reliable operation of HF systems is made possible. This means fewer failures, bottlenecks and system downtimes
- Lowest insertion loss leads to high system efficiency