Passive Components
Passive Components

Passive Components

Passive Components

Simply functional

Our passive microwave components using waveguide technology are specifically designed for the requirements of microwave systems for linear accelerators (LINACs). Highly functional, high-performance, robust and reliably gas-tight

Do you have any questions about this? Contact us


Passive Components
  • Non-directional coupling probes
  • Coupling coefficient selectable between -50 dB and -60dB
  • High performance stability
  • Compact design
  • RoHS compliant
  • Designed for LINAC applications


Our portfolio Documents
S-Band LINAC Products PDF
Part No. Product Type Waveguide Flange Frequency [MHz] Peak Power [MW] Avg Power [kW] Data Sheet Footprint
EP-WR284-01-50 E-Probes -50dB CPR284F/G 2856 & 2998 20 15 PDF PDF
EP-WR284-01-60 E-Probes -60dB CPR284F/G 2856 & 2998 20 15 PDF PDF
EP-WR284-02-50 E-Probes -50dB CPR284F/F 2856 & 2998 20 15 PDF PDF
EP-WR284-02-60 E-Probes -60dB CPR284F/F 2856 & 2998 20 15 PDF PDF
EP-WR284-03-50 E-Probes -50dB CPR284G/G 2856 & 2998 20 15 PDF PDF
EP-WR284-03-60 E-Probes -60dB CPR284G/G 2856 & 2998 20 15 PDF PDF
EP-WR284-04-50 E-Probes -50dB CPR284F/G 2856 & 2998 20 15 PDF PDF
EP-WR284-04-60 E-Probes -60dB CPR284F/G 2856 & 2998 20 15 PDF PDF

Directional Coupler

Passive Components
  • Bi-directional couplers for precise measurement of forward and reverse power
  • Coupling coefficient selectable between -50 dB and -70dB
  • High directivity
  • High performance stability
  • RoHS compliant
  • Designed for LINAC applications


Our portfolio Documents
S-Band LINAC Products PDF
Part No. Product Type Waveguide Flange Frequency [MHz] Peak Power [MW] Avg Power [kW] Data Sheet Footprint
DC-WR284-01-Xf-Xc1-Xc2 Dual Dir. Cpl. 120mm CPR284 F/G 2856 oder 2998 20 15 PDF PDF
DC-WR284-10-Xf-Xc1-Xc2 Dual Dir. Cpl. 51mm CPR284 F/G 2856 oder 2998 20 15 PDF PDF

Waveguide Bends

Passive Components
  • 90° waveguide E-bends and H-bends
  • High performance stability
  • Compact design
  • RoHS compliant
  • Designed for LINAC applications

E-Bend Waveguide S-Band

Our portfolio Documents
S-Band LINAC Products PDF
Part No. Product Type Waveguide Flange Frequency [MHz] Peak Power [MW] Avg Power [kW] Data Sheet Footprint
EB-WR284-01 E-Bend 90° CPR284F/G 2856 & 2998 20 15 PDF PDF
EB-WR284-02 E-Bend 90° CPR284F/F 2856 & 2998 20 15 PDF PDF
EB-WR284-03 E-Bend 90° CPR284G/G 2856 & 2998 20 15 PDF PDF
EB-A-WR284-01 E-Bend 90° w. Arc CPR284F/G 2856 & 2998 20 15 PDF -
EB-A-WR284-02 E-Bend 90° w. Arc CPR284F/F 2856 & 2998 20 15 PDF -

H-Bend Waveguide S-Band

Our portfolio Documents
S-Band LINAC Products PDF
Part No. Product Type Waveguide Flange Frequency [MHz] Peak Power [MW] Avg Power [kW] Data Sheet Footprint
HB-WR284-01 H-Bend 90° CPR284F/G 2856 & 2998 20 15 PDF PDF
HB-WR284-02 H-Bend 90° CPR284F/F 2856 & 2998 20 15 PDF PDF
HB-WR284-03 H-Bend 90° CPR284G/G 2856 & 2998 20 15 PDF PDF
HB-A-WR284-01 H-Bend 90° w. Arc CPR284F/G 2856 & 2998 20 15 PDF -
HB-A-WR284-02 H-Bend 90° w. Arc CPR284F/F 2856 & 2998 20 15 PDF -

Waveguides and Accessories

Passive Components
  • Waveguide gas seals
  • Water connectors
  • RoHS compliant

Phase Wand S-Band

Our portfolio Documents
S-Band LINAC Products PDF
Part No. Product Type Waveguide Flange Frequency [MHz] Peak Power [MW] Avg Power [kW] Datenblatt Footprint
PW-CPR284-02 Phase Wand CPR284F/G 2856 & 2998 6 6 - -

Waveguide Flange Seals

Our portfolio Documents
S-Band LINAC Products PDF
Part No. Product Type Waveguide Flange Frequency [MHz] Pieces Data Sheet Footprint
ZG-CPR284-01 Set of Seals CPR284 2856 & 2998 5 PDF -
ZG-MG284-01 Set of Metallic Gaskets CPR284 2856 & 2998 5 PDF -
ZG-MG284-02 Set of Metallic Gaskets CPR284 2856 & 2998 15 PDF -

Further Products from the Area Components & Subsystems

Passive Components
Passive Components

Circulators & Isolators

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Passive Components
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Customer-Specific Assemblies and Subsystems

From component to subsystem

Passive Components
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Loads & Absorbers

They take everything on themselves with ease

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Phase Shifter & Fast Ferrite Tuner (FFT)

Switch quickly at highest performance

Passive Components

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We do everything we can to provide you with the best possible answer or a comprehensive solution. We look forward to helping you. Thank you for your trust!


